Tracking Train Locations and Delays in the Czech Republic

Tracking Train Locations and Delays in the Czech Republic

Tired of waiting for delayed trains? This page should always be at your fingertips!

Not only train passengers, but also all railway enthusiasts will appreciate information about delays and the current location of the train. The best option is the interactive map of the Railway Administration GRAPP, which displays all carriers. We cannot forget Babitron, which, however, only displays information about Czech Railways connections. You will also find the 4 largest railway carriers in the Czech Republic in the overview.


GRAPP – Graphical presentation of the position (link) is an online map with the location of trains of all carriers currently moving in the Czech Republic. For each train, you can display information about the departure and destination station, current location and delay, and also the expected further journey. Planned outages and traffic disruptions are displayed here.

The GRAPP application also contains carrier filters, it is possible to filter out foreign carriers as well. Furthermore, it is possible to filter trains according to the delay time and the type of train (Os, Sp, R, IC, EC, ...).

By clicking on the name of the station (either on the map or in the journey detail), you can display the departure and arrival boards.

Train Information

By clicking on the train icon, you will display information about the train. You will find basic information about the train - departure and destination station, last confirmed point, and delay. By clicking on "Journey detail", the already passed stations and also the further expected journey will be displayed.

Traffic disruptions

An orange exclamation mark on the map indicates a disruption on the track. By expanding, you will see details, see the picture.

Babitron - Train Delays

Babitron - Train Delays (link) was created in 2001 as a project for Robert Babylon's own needs. In 2003, 71 trains were monitored and the delay results were published once a week. In 2004, an online map was added, which showed fast and express trains (except for Fridays and weekends) and a large part of passenger trains. The data for the operation of the website was drawn from the website of Czech Railways. In 2006, Czech Railways blocked the author's access to this data for a short time. Subsequently, after mutual agreement between the author and ČD, an agreement was reached and the website ran as an official test version. Now the website works in cooperation with Robert Babylon, Czech Railways and the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science. The last reported update took place in 2017. The method of updating data has changed, which is updated every 30 seconds. Source:

Location of ČD trains

Babitron can only display the location of Czech Railways trains. As with GRAPP, the delay time is displayed in different colors.

Current delays of ČD trains

An excellent feature of Babitron is the tabular overview of current delays. You will not find such a processed overview on the ČD website or on GRAPP. The table is sorted in ascending order according to the train number, it also contains the name of the train, the departure and destination station, the last known position and information about the delay. As on the map, the delay is indicated by different colors.

Train delay in the last 3 – 28 days

Another function is the delay of a specific train for the last 3, 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. After entering a specific train, you choose the required period and the result is a table with individual passing points and stations. For each point, there is an average delay for the monitored section, and the number of delays up to 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 and over 60 minutes. This will give you an idea of the reliability of the individual connection, which you will definitely appreciate when planning your trip. As in previous cases, the data is unfortunately only available for ČD trains.

Czech Railways - delay information

Czech Railways - delay information (link) allows you to search for information about a specific train on the All about the train website. After entering the train number and selecting the date, information about the connection will be displayed. If the connection is currently on the way, the current delay and location will be displayed.

The current delay is also displayed directly when searching for the timetable.

On the Traffic Restrictions page you will find all current disruptions and also planned closures.

Arriva - Delay and location of connections

Arriva - Delay and location of connections (link) shows a map with the location of trains on one page, when you click on a specific connection, you will find out the current location, destination station, current and expected train delay, planned outages and extraordinary events. The map is clear with OpenStreetMap map data.

RegioJet - Connection delays

RegioJet - Connection delays (link) informs about delays on its website using a clear table (it does not have a map). After filling in the station, all current arrivals and departures are listed (it is possible to filter). In the table, the destination stations, routes, arrival times, departure times, platform numbers and the duration of the delay are listed for each connection. However, you will no longer find out the current location from the table.

Leo Express - Current traffic information

Leo Express - Current traffic information (link) - informs about the delay and location of the train via a table (does not have a map), where information about the connection number, departure and destination station, departure time from the departure station and information about the connection are displayed. Leo Express does not provide information about the exact last known location.

When you click on a specific connection, a graphical display of the timetable timeline, current delay, simple train composition and services provided will be displayed.